Monday 18 January 2016

Footballer dies after being electrocuted while getting a ball during match

electroctuted footballer

A taxi driver/footballer has died after he was electrocuted during a seven-a-side football game with friends.

Albert Xhediku, 34, is understood to have suffered a fatal shock as he scaled a metal fence around the pitch to retrieve a ball.
Paramedics attended the council-owned leisure centre and rushed him to hospital - where he was tragically pronounced dead.
The company which runs the centre is now carrying out an urgent investigation into the incident alongside police.
One Portsmouth City Council worker, who did not wish to be named, claimed Albert died while retrieving a ball.
He said: "I understand that he was here with other lads or friends after they booked it out.
"As I understand it he climbed over the stanchion to try and get the ball back.

"It's very sad. At the moment we're getting statements and investigating."
His friends above, visited the football pitch where he was electrocuted .

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