Wednesday 20 January 2016

More people speak on Ice Prince defending his girlfriend despite cheating allegations (Na Waa OO)

Yesterday,Ice Prince ,his girlfriend Maima and a man named Akin have been trending on social media.In-fact, they are still trending today.
This happened after eagle eyes realized Maima and Akin virtually took photos in the same places and posted on their social media accounts..
Ice Prince's attention was called to the photos and rumours of her cheating on him with the said Akin,a married man flooded the internet .
Then, Ice Prince did what many consider 'unthinkable'' coming from a man.He defended his girl,and blasted the married Akin for trying to break them up.He even said his girl was faithful to him and he would write a song for her ..
Well, many have called him names.Weak, jazzed,a fool for love ..etc but M.I who is not just a friend but the head of Chocolate City has waded in on the issue ,saying he understands why Ice Prince did it..
Read below !

The photos which started the cheating allegations

  Ice Prince defends Maima
 People in the know claims Maima is really dating Akin

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