Saturday 6 February 2016

12-Year Old Boy's Body Slashed with Razor by His Guardian (Photos)

A 12-year-old boy has revealed in chilling details, the horror of the series of tortures he received in the hands of his guardian called Mama Sarah. The boy, Michael Madagwu, a primary 1 pupil, said his ordeal started after his father died and his granny handed him over to Mama Sarah in the village.

Madagwu said that he thought a better life waited for him in Lagos with Mama Sarah.But all he received was hawking and receiving all sorts of bodily harm according to New Telegraph.

Madagwu, who is now in the protective custody of Lagos State Child Protection Unit recalled in vivid detail, the day his guardian ruthlessly, slashed his body with razor.
His words: “Mama Sarah used to beat and denied me food at the slightest provocation. She could use slippers, wire and any object to beat me. She had bitten me on my back and slapped my face several times.

When her beating became too much for me, I told her that she should take me back to the village; I didn’t want to live with her anymore. I told one of our neighbours at Obalende, where we sell, but the woman told Mama Sarah.

When we got home at Oshodi that night, she used rope to tie my legs and hands. She used razor to slash my body. She called me a thief and made me to kneel down.

She said that I should carry a big stone on my head. She used pepper to rub into my eyes and forced me to eat pepper. She used wire to flog me mercilessly all over my body and on my face. I can’t talk properly now because my mouth is swollen.”

The Lagos State Child Protection Unit where Madagwu is being cared for had already invited Mama Sarah to come and explain why the boy has several injuries on his body. The boy said his father died when he was just five-year-old.

A closer look at his body reveals scars he claimed were inflicted on him by his guardian. His young body bore bruises, teeth marks, broken teeth, swollen hands and mouth. Madagwu said he had been living with Mama Sarah for close to eight years since she took him from his grandmother.

The 12-year-old would have died from the torture he constantly received in his guardian’s house, but for the incessant interventions of a neighbour, Mr. Ik Odo.

When Odo couldn’t stomach seeing the boy being tortured anymore, he reported Mama Sarah to Mr. Musbau Agbodimu, a human right activist in Lagos. While attempting to speak through his swollen mouth and missing teeth, Madagwu said he hadn’t eaten for days and feels pains all over his body.
Efforts are currently being made to interrogate Mama Sarah and possibly prosecute her for child abuse and brutality.

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