Thursday 18 February 2016

Must Read: 4 Simple Ways to Make a Girl Like You Without Asking Her Out

Most guys try to be nice guys, and there’s really nothing wrong in that. If you want to get a girl to like you, you definitely have to play nice. But as the friendship progresses, you have to learn to subtly move away from the friend zone and let her notice you as a dating potential.
Here is the easiest ways to make a girl like you without you asking her out. This article shared by Lovepanky will teach you many things you know not about.
1. Attractive friends and dating potentials
If you have an attractive friend, never let her see you as just a friend, unless you have no intentions of ever dating her or making out with her. But can any guy ever not fall for an attractive cutie, friend or otherwise? I think not.
Girls may find it easier to stay friends with an attractive guy, but guys just can’t. It’s in a man’s competitive nature to woo anyone he finds attractive. But there are exceptions here, like when the girl is already dating another guy, or if she’s so way out of your league that you can’t even think of asking her out.
If you really do like a girl and want to make her like you, you can always overcome the exceptions if you want to. If you think she’s way out of your league, let me tell you something, no girl is ever way out of league for any guy. If you believe in yourself and truly realize that you’re worthy of her, you’ll find a way to leave a lasting impression on her.
2. Don’t smooth talk all girls you meet
If you want to know how to make a girl like you, you need to stop trying to be a serial flirter. Do you have a friend who flirts with every single girl he meets, even if there are two or more girls at the same time?
Now his flirting abilities may be a gift to die for, but when you publicly flirt with every single friend or girl you meet, you’re not treating one girl any different from the other. All the girls may end up assuming you’re just a serial flirter who just flirts with all his friends.

3. Making a girl like you the sneaky way
If you want to make a girl like you, she has to believe that you’re treating her differently. By treating her in a special manner, you’ll make her wonder if you’ve got something more than friends on your mind. Really, why else would you treat one friend differently from the others?
And once you get her thinking, you’ve already set the ball in motion. Both of you may be friends, but the doubt of whether both of you are more than friends would create a tingle of sexual excitement and curiosity that can score you big points while pursuing her sneakily.

4. Don’t flirt and tell
A bit of casual flirting is fun, even among friends. You can flirt and tease all your girl friends, but don’t overdo it. Let all your women friends see you as a cheerful guy who’s a lot of fun to spend time with.
But save your wooing and flirting when you’re alone with a girl. Flirt with her using the sneaky flirting steps I’ve mentioned below and get touchy feely when it’s just the both of you. By keeping it discreet, you get to make an impression on the girl, and no one else even knows about it. The secret flirting can excite the girl you like, and you’re not really asking her out anyways, are you? You’re just indulging in a bit of “friendly flirting”.
If this girl speaks about your flirting with another girl friend, everyone knows you as a cheerful guy who flirts now and then, so no one’s going to believe she’s getting any special treatment from you, and this would only make her get drawn to you even if it’s just to confirm her doubts!
On the other hand, if she keeps the flirting a secret too, it’ll make her feel all the more excited to share a special connection with you.
But take good not of this...
If you want to understand the real secret behind knowing how to make a girl like you, you always need to remember to keep your real intentions of wanting to go out with her a secret until you know she really likes you back.
Asking a girl out straight is easy, but once you do that, you have no control on her decision. And if you do like a girl and want to go out with her, why would you want to leave your hopes to chance?
As chauvinistic as I may sound, girls like a bit of drama and confusion in their life. Create a friend-or-more-than-a-friend drama and watch the pretty picture unfold while having the ball in your court the whole way. And if you play your cards right and take it slow, you’ll know how to make a girl like you back without even expressing your feelings to her! 
Now that you know how to warm a girl up and understand the real secret behind knowing how to make a girl like you, read the ten steps on how to flirt with a girl and win her heart, without ever letting her know you like her.

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