Tuesday 9 February 2016

Shocking! Driver Caught Reading Porn Mag and Touching Himself at Red Light (Photos+Video)

A London driver was caught on camera in a disturbing footage looking at pornography and stroking his crotch while waiting at a red light – in broad daylight.
Lewis Dediare, 49, was on his way to post some letters in Pimlico, South West London, on Saturday afternoon when he noticed a taxi driver stop for a red light in the designated cyclists' area, reports Dailystar.
Lewis, an active road safety campaigner also known as Traffic Droid, approached the vehicle to confront the driver, but was "shocked and disgusted" when he realised the man was looking at a pornographic magazine and touching his private parts.
The taxi driver soon realised he had been spotted, and Lewis, who has nicknamed the driver "Mr Throbb", took the opportunity to warn him of his mishap before turning in the opposite direction.
Lewis, who works as a telecoms supervisor, said: "I was so shocked by what I saw. I didn't expect it.
"As I was cycling towards him I noticed him driving into the cyclists' box. The light had turned red and he had plenty of time to stop, but he carried on driving.

"I thought he might be on his mobile phone, but as I got closer I realised he was looking at a pornographic magazine.

"What a filthy person. It scares me to think that he could be picking women up after looking at pornography. He is a taxi driver, he could be carrying my sister.

"It is absolutely disgusting. What if he was picking a passenger up at night in that manner?

"It is worse than speaking on a mobile phone. It is disgusting. I am definitely going to show this footage to the police.

"He dismissed me like I was wasting his time. He will definitely be hearing from the courts."
The footage was filmed at midday in a busy shopping area on Warwick Way.
The driver eventually puts the window down, and Lewis can be heard saying: "First of all stop looking at porno. Number two, pay attention when you are coming to a red light. You entered the box, that's three points and a £100 fine, so no pornography.

"I will report you for looking at pornography on the road while you are in command of a vehicle!"
Lewis, who is originally from Nigeria but has lived in London for 32 years, said: "There were children around, yet this man was paying no attention to the road and doing something so disgusting. I have nicknamed him Mr Throbb.

"It is really creepy. I have been filming on the roads for six years and I have never seen anything like this. I have seen people drinking coffee, texting on their phones, but this was a complete shock.
"I started filming on the roads after I was knocked off my bike six or seven times. I report people on a daily basis because there are too many near misses. It averages between four and ten people per day.

"I don't describe myself as a vigilante. I do not go out looking for incidents to report, but every time I use my bike I take four cameras with me. I used to take eleven but the footage was taking up too much data so I had to reduce the number.

"I keep all of the video footage and show it to the police if necessary. My worst fear is a child being killed because of a careless driver. There aren't enough police, they need help when it comes to dealing with drivers."
Watch the video below:

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