Monday 15 February 2016

Shocking! Former Prostitute Reveals Shocking Experiences That Ensnared Her At Just 17

A former prostitute has lifted the lid on her harrowing experiences as part of a vice industry that ensnared her from the age of just 17. Her shocking interview takes us inside the sordid world of sleazy saunas, where women are sold on a “conveyor belt” of sleaze.
The interview was conducted by Linda Thompson from the Women’s Support Project.
The woman who is only named as Cassie, now 32, reveals how women were enslaved by pimps, raped and trapped in a cycle of drugs and despair. Her exposé of the desperate and dangerous world comes as police in Aberdeen investigate the murder of a woman they believe to have been a prostitute.
Cassie worked as a sauna girl and escort for over a decade, and witnessed women being “broken” by the sordid trade that treated people as if they were mere commodities.
She said: “It was almost like working in a factory. Stuff comes down the conveyer belt - you pack it, it goes.”
She talks of how women had to buy their freedom from their pimp and saunas took 50 per cent of everything the girls earned. Pimps bound foreign women by stealing their passports and workers often became pregnant and infected with sexually transmitted disease
According to Daily Record, she added that violence and rape is common and girls simply “disappear”
Cassie is not lobbying for or against the trade, but she said:”It wasn’t glamorous at all.”
While still only a teenager, she responded to an advert for a job in an Edinburgh sauna, naively assuming she would be folding towels and answering calls. She was talked in to sex for sale and went from £100 a week as a trainee hairdresser to £200 a day prostitute.
Then a pre-operation transsexual, Cassie was considered a “speciality” and the sauna owner charged extra for her. Inside the saunas, up to 14 women would do 12 hour shifts, with some girls accommodating up to 12 punters a day. The sauna owners would take up to half the money.
Cassie said: "The shifts in the sauna were horrendous, literally you’d start at ten in the morning till eleven in the evening. You had like maybe five or ten minutes to give yourself, you call it a whore’s wash, but where you give yourself a quick wash, before the next one. It was very tiring, and it’s made out as though you’ve got choice but actually, you’re not forced but you do feel obliged to have to do any client that comes in.”
They weren’t allowed to leave mid shift and the doorman would go for their food. Cassie said: “You could have four girls, or you could have fourteen girls. At the weekends you were fighting for rooms.

“There was a lot of competition between everyone. Weekends were the worst or when it was school holidays and mothers got their kids away with their dad or whoever and they’d come in and work so there’d always be loads of us.”
Cassie was shocked by the normailty of the punters who would come through the door.
She said: ”I would think ‘Oh my God, you could be my dad or you could be my uncle.”
Boyfriends of her friends even turned up, knowing it would be her but she refused to deal with them.
Cassie started taking drugs to drown out the horror of the job and she realise that she was often working to feed her habit of ketamine and crack. Pimps encouraged the girls to get addicted.
She said: ”Every time the phone rings your stomach just drops. If I was doing drugs at the time I had to do some drugs before I went. That’s how you prepare yourself really. Once you’re in that room andyou’re with them you just click into this mode.

"You’re there, you become this character. Everything’s make believe, nothing’s real, nothing’s actually genuine about myself then.”
She tried to be safe when she was escorting, always making sure a friend had the address of the flat she was visiting.
She said: ”I’d always take money off them and then go to the bathroom. I’d cut a slit on the inside lining on my handbags so you couldn’t really see it so I’d poke all the money down there. You learn all these tricks.

“You would always want to see them pour a drink because they could put drugs in it, anything. You just learn over time, through mistakes and through bad experiences.”
Commenting on the interview, Linda Thompson said: “Cassie really brought it home to me how women are treated behind the closed doors of Edinburgh’s sex industry and how any vulnerability will be exploited for the benefit and profit of others.”

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