Wednesday 10 February 2016

Drama As Muslim Man is Taken Off Plane and Quizzed Over Terrorism Because He Has a Long Beard

Ahmed Ali, a Muslim man who was due to fly out on his honeymoon with his pregnant wife said he was taken off the plane and questioned over terrorism because of his faith and his beard.
39-year-old Ali was supposed to fly to Marrakesh, Morocco, from Manchester Airport, but was told by staff on the Thomson flight he had to disembark. He said he was then taken away and questioned for several hours by Greater Manchester Police Officers.
According to him it was the 20th time in two years he has been questioned when trying to board a plane, but the first time he was forced to get off.
According to Derby Telegraph, the man said: ‘I was on the plane and watching a video and my wife was chatting to the people next to her. We were really looking forward to the holiday because it was a late honeymoon for us.
‘I was then tapped on the shoulder by a member of staff who said you need to leave the plane. I asked three times - 'why?'. She said the police are outside waiting for you. I asked why have you taken me off the flight. They said follow us and said they would interview me under section seven of the terrorism act.’
Mr Ali said he was recently questioned before boarding a flight at Heathrow with his mother and that he previously accepted officers were just doing their job. But after the latest incident the charity worker said he wanted to take a stand and hoped he was arrested and taken to court so he could prove there was wrongdoing. 
In an online rant he compared David Cameron to Hitler and said he was 'oppressing the Muslim people'.
He said: 'I'm no threat to anyone. The only person who is a threat is David Cameron and his bigotry. Hitler was an oppressive and a bad person to the Jews and to people in General. Today's Hitler is David Cameron. So I encourage all of you brothers and sisters, and I'm sure there are lots of you that have this problem, to stand up for your rights."
He added: 'I feel sorry for all those people who fought in World War One and World War Two; all those ex servicewomen and men who gave their lives to uphold freedom, liberty, democracy and all the things David Cameron talks about but takes no action [over].' 
On the video, which he posted to YouTube and Facebook, he said he refused to answer police questions because he was so angry at being removed from the plane.
He said: 'I said to them I'm not answering anything. I said "I've had enough". Three weeks ago I was stopped with my mum. They insulted my mum, they insulted me, and for what? Because I've got a beard. It's supposed to be in fashion; everybody has a beard but you don't see white people getting stopped.'
In the video, which has more than 6,000 views, he said he felt he had been 'stripped' of his rights as a British citizen.
Watch the video below: 
Speaking in an interview on the BBC, he said: 'I explained that I was British. I'm a British Muslim. I go out and feed the homeless in Britain - white people. I've been to Cumbria to help people. Before all of this; I've been doing it for seven or eight years.
'Any sane person knows right is right, and wrong is wrong.' 
He added his wife has had panic attacks since the incident and he plans to make formal complaints against the airline and police because he feels victimised.
Mr Ali said he is a popular figure in the Derby community and runs projects and youth clubs for people of all faiths. 

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