Wednesday 10 February 2016

Shocking! Maths Teacher Sends His N*ked Picture to His 12-year-old Pupil (Photo)


 A 26-year-old mathematics teacher, Michael White, who sent a n*ked picture of himself to a 12-year-old girl has been jailed, Daily Mirror reports.
Jailing him for three years and four months, Judge Anthony Goldstaub QC said: 'This matter has had a huge impact on the school as well as on the girl's family, it's had a serious effect and done a lot of harm. You abused the trust placed in you by the child's parents and the school, your employers, and anyone who does that can expect to go to prison.' 
White, now a tele-sales advisor, had been set to join another school but was instantly dismissed. 
Glenda Thompson, for the prosecution, told the court White spent ten hours teaching the child before sending the n*ked picture while he was aroused. 
The girl's mother checked her tablet and discovered what White had been doing. The incident took place on March 27, 2014 when White was a mathematics teacher at Tendring Technology College, in Essex. 
Cyrus Schrof, for the defence, told Chelmsford Crown Court: 'He's struggling to explain his behaviour. It was totally out of character - it came out without any warning whatsoever. He struggles to understand how he became engaged in such conversations. He's ruined his life - it was utter stupidity and foolishness.'
Speaking after the sentencing, headteacher Caroline Haynes said: 'By the time his behaviour came to light he had already resigned his post. 
'However, due to the vigilance of parents and staff, when we were made aware he was immediately dismissed. For someone in his position to betray the trust of the children and his colleagues is an absolute disgrace and we will always act swiftly with any adult who behaves in an inappropriate way towards children.'
White, from Westcliff-on-Sea, admitted inciting a girl to engage in sexual activity after being caught and charged.
He was also given a sexual harm prevention order for ten years banning him from specific contact with children and placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.  

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